Welcome to the website of the Intergovernmental Committee for Economic and Labour Force Development in Toronto (the ICE Committee).

On this website you will be able to learn about the committee plus find valuable information including:

  • Introduction to the ICE Committee (ICE Intro Presentation)
  • Upcoming events in and around the Toronto region
  • Research projects about economic and labour force development issues
  • Presentations and discussion summaries from Forums hosted by the Committee about economic and labour force development issues


Stay tuned


Current and Recent Projects

Remote Work: Urban Panacea or Curse?  Research Presentation and Panel Discussion.

  • In-Person Event on September 26, 2024, 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM (ET) at the Campbell Conference Facility (Munk School), 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto
  • More information and Discussion recording and materials available here

International Students in Toronto Colleges: A Way Forward

  • Webinar presented research findings and discussed recommendations for a way forward. More information and link to webcast recording and research report available here




ICE Committee